Monday, May 14, 2012

Our life, so far.

This is the story of the Great Vaclav Adventure, aka, our life.  So far, Michael and I have four kids, three coffee shops and lots of stories to tell.  But there are many more to come.  That's what this blog is about--capturing the highlights of our family's wild and beautiful adventures.  I hope you enjoy reading!


Shayla said...

Hooray!!!! You caught the blogbug. I'm so glad. Can't wait to read more.

AlisonSoFar said...

Well, I'm still thinking through this a bit, so it might be a while until I start posting consistently. But it makes me happy that you are the first one here.

Shayla said...

I told you all your photos were too beautiful for fb! All I really do is pick a handful, figure out why they affect me, and try to put it into words as glorified captions. Sometimes I'll upload the pictures in the morning and then I have all day to kind of work out in my head what I want to say and finish up after kiddo bedtime. (on the good days)