Friday, July 13, 2012

Phase 2 Complete

The middle portion of our trip has been don't even know how to describe it.  Good is one word.  Very, very good.

It was full of paradoxes, which I am still trying to process.  There was so much to behold on the macro and micro level that I hardly know where to begin.  It's going to take me a while to draw out a synopsis of our time in Redding and in the Redwood forests.  So I beg your patience.

I also took about a thousand photos, each one distinct and unique.  Yet to look at them all together all you see is GREEN.  I will enjoy figuring out how to tell the stories they are representing.  The forests have a lot to tell.

And, today is our ten year anniversary.  Totally can't get my head around that either.  It feels like we've been together forever and yet is feels like just yesterday.  Paradoxes abound.

I know you will all be eager to see my kids looking like woodland hobbits, but instead I'll share with you the anniversary gift I gave Michael.

1 comment:

Shayla said...

BEST PRESENT EVER. You guys are an inspiration.