Sunday, December 30, 2012

magical, mundane, hidden and wondrous previously-unmentioned moments of 2012

Tonight I'm joining in the stream of folks who are reminiscing and reflecting on 2012.

It's quite easy for me to do since I've captured most of the highlights here on this blog.  As you have read, our family's year has been blessed to the brim with wonderful trips, celebrations and unexpected growth.  The moments captured here thus far are the ones that will come to mind first a decade from now when we try to remember "when the kids were little."

But tonight I browsed my photo library to review the "unseen" moments.  The ones that may not make for a dramatic blog post but nevertheless added richness to our everyday-life that is undeniable and priceless.

The self hair cuts that henceforth revealed Michael's unusual aptitude for hair cutting and Emerson's ability to rock the pixie cut.

Car hopping at Medici--a weekly practice.

For Valentines I bent my no-pet boundaries: Two fish now swim among us.

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit; we love seeing them in Austin.

With Austin and Elia in school, Emerson and Hannah's relationship has blossomed into that special kind of companionship that only sisterhood provides.

One day I traipsed the kids all around town on a photo shoot intending to make Mother's Day photo gifts for grandma's.  I never made the gifts and I got a $75.00 parking ticket in the process. FAIL.

One day we went on a mom-son date.  It was total delight for us both.  And look at that hair...Michael did good!

While I was taking this photo, that well-styled son of mine was dumping a cup of ice water on another little boy who wouldn't get off the whirly chair at Amy's Ice Cream and (according to Austin) looked "too hot".  That sweaty boy's mom was outrageously pissed at my son and me for paying more attention to my phone than my child.  In a moment of divine victory, I did not blow up at Austin or the other mama.  Made peace in the end.  Vic-to-ry.

And--btw--this photo was for Josh Martin who would be impressed to find the Ft.Worth-made Rawr at Amy's in Austin, TX.

Turns out my itty-bitty Hannah loves great big dogs.  Buddy is one of her faves.

Before our epic family road trip this summer, we got the sweetest send-off from our brother and sister and cousins.  They brought us doughnuts and breakfast tacos.  They filled our bellies and our hearts with goodness for journey.  It meant a lot to me.

We returned from that trip to a really hot summer and some really cool friends--the kind that go to free kids festivals in triple digit temps and then host shaving cream parties.  Cream of the crop kind of friends.

We logged pool time with all the cousins.  These three have produced truly amazing offspring.  I am very honored to be a part of their family.

The Radisson will have a special place in my kids' memories; memories full of Mimi and Pawpaw and ice cream and breakfast buffets, riding elevators, running down long hallways and sweeping views of Town Lake.

After reading this blog, I instituted the household policy that all kids 5 and over must (at the very least) assist with their own laundry.  Elia does hers almost all by herself.

In September we had the very great joy of witnessing our long-time friend Leslie be wed to an amazing  young man.  It was a beautiful celebration that inspired reflection and gratitude for my own marriage to this dashing, charming and consistently amazing man.

Willie.  My kids have no idea who he is.

Austin's rough start with school turned into smooth sailing all the way--unless he forgets his lunch.  The boy absolutely will not touch cafeteria food unless it's pizza.  Fair enough.

Emerson started ballet lessons and met a kindred-spirit friend, Tilly.  These two light up the ballet room like the big apple in an elevator.

The three ladies here have blessed me more than I can say.  Their tenderness, acts of kindness and fortitude go unseen and unapplauded most days.  Yet, as I look over my year I see their loving presence woven into the fabric of my family.  It is my honor to walk along side them and call them my friends.

What we see every time we step out our door.

Our second living room.

Us and Hazel.  

This is the crowning moment of our year.  We are officially The V Force.  The kids came up with the alias on our summer trip.  My mom took it to the next level with an official logo, t-shirts and handmade superhero capes.  It is a true symbol for our family and the purposes for which we have been made.  May we have the grace and strength to do and to be all that we are meant to.

Thanks be to God for this amazing life.


Stephanie said...

Aw, this was my favorite 2012 recap. I hope you keep writing these. They're really special, so in your own voice, full of a mother's love.

The Austin story about him pouring water over a kid is hilarious. I love his dry humor. And Lil Han with big dogs, that just seems so much her, in command among big things!

Your family is like watching a human garden in bloom. Not just your children, but also you and Michael. It just has Kingdom all over it. Love you all!

Shayla said...

You said it Stephanie! I love you guys to tiny bits and I hope to know you until we're old and grey.

AlisonSoFar said...

Thank you ladies! Big family life is such a wonder--still trips me out that we are such a big clan. I'm so thankful we get to journey along side friends like you who see us and love us. Cheers to being blue hairs one day!!