Sunday, January 6, 2013

4 Emerson

As previously mentioned, Emerson started the year with a new short hair style.  For some reason, cutting off her baby hair seemed to amplify her 3-year-old bubbly bright personality.  Didn't know THAT was possible.

This face always gets me.

These faces too.  She is a girl of many expressions and just about all of them melt my heart...

...because she does not emote with face alone; as you can see here, it's full body expression almost all the time.

She is by far the most snugglicious of our kids.

Emerson really loves people, especially her siblings.

She is the kind of friend that will come to you in your funk and pull you right out. 

She knows closed-eyed, open-handed bliss.  I so admire this about her.

She started wearing these shoes when they were about two sizes too big and is still wearing them--wore them today in fact.  They are sparkly and they are red and what more could you ask for?

Her small little frame is deceptive; it belies a formidable physical and mental strength within.  She is like a power house Mighty Mouse.

Being in nature calms her spirit.  Being seen  in nature sparks it right up!

She has her Mimi Vaclav's beach blood through and through.

This is was her favorite blanky after "ducky."  It was left at the beach house in San Diego and was never seen again.  Back home she quickly adopted a spare scrap of yellow minky fabric and never mentioned the blue one again.  

She knows how to get her twirl on (it may be a genetic trait she inherited from her mother).

She is by far the most camera-friendly of our kids.

This fall she discovered a love of ladybugs.

I see a much older Emerson here.  That her stunning beauty will become more beautiful is almost too much to bear.

We also have this new expression which is a particular delight of 4-year-olds: the Sulk.

But that's not her true demeanor and it rarely lasts.  The joy and sparkle of her inner self cannot long be disguised.

Bless you Emerson Eve. 

May your noble and fiery sparkle be guided into ever-increasing brilliance.


Stephanie said...

She is a bubbly warrior princess and she wants to invite everyone in to experience the joy of life. It's really one of the most charming things.

AlisonSoFar said...

So true Steph! Your ability to behold and understand children is so refreshing, such a blessing.