Friday, August 10, 2012

sweat-inducing-brain-sucking heat

It's hard to lower my productivity standards according to the weather, but it must be done.  If I am to survive the next few weeks with any sense of contentment and lightheartedness, I must lower my expectations of myself and my family.  It is simply too hot to be super productive.

But recently there was one miraculous evening that was NOT hot.  It was a pleasant August night.  I didn't even know that was possible at this time of year.  We stole Mama Storms idea and went to the symphony.

The symphony does a free performance on Sunday evenings.  
We convinced the Willards to come with two of their four kids.  Here you see Mrs. Dani, Miss Kelsey, Lauren and Mr. Michael as we like to call them.

Have you ever seen a finer Austinite?

Emerson got to play with Miss Kelsey who, as it turns out, has as much sparkling enthusiasm as she does.


Straight own'n the dance flo.

The is one of Elia's besties.  What a blessing she is!

We suspect he is related to Superman.

See, it's genetic.

And here's Mrs. Superman.

The dance floor lights up, heck yeah! 

Everything about this picture is so him.

I don't know what it is about this photo, but I love it.

These girls are growing up with Austin, TX as their home town.  It still trips me out, especially when I compare it to my own childhood.
Good times, good times.

1 comment:

Shayla said...

I'm so glad you did this! We found it very relaxing and refreshing. Many young families, not too much structure, plenty of running and dancing room, good views, good music, soft grass. Perfect night in the city.

I Especially love the pictures of your girls dancing. What naturals! i wonder where they get it...

Hey! Today is Sunday again, care for a repeat?