Sunday, July 15, 2012

In between

Being in between destinations has made up a lot of our trip.  By the end, we will have spent 10 of our 24 days in the car.  That's quite a lot of "betweenness".  But I kind of enjoy it.  There is a type of release that only happens when there is nothing to do but "be" as you travel the open road.  For me it's a giant exhale of to-do lists.  None of that when the agenda is 9 hours driving.  On those days, my job is to dish out the snacks, start the DVDs and simply behold this great big beautiful confounding land mass called America.

Traversing the western half of the country and experiencing it's vastness, it's varying abundance and barrenness is shocking and endearing.  But you know what, for this east Texas girl, it has been mostly endearing.  Turns out, I love my country.  I love America.  I know it has it's problems, but, wow!  This place is SO special.  God bless America indeed.  Oh! that in these days we may fulfill the great purpose for which our nation is formed.

Turns out, the in between is just as enriching as the destination.

We stayed at a KOA in Provo, UT.  It was a lot nicer than I expected, a nice middle ground between full-on camping and motels.

It's not sand and it's not snow.

Salt Flats.  Oh yeah baby.

Salty dogs.

That little cloud reminded me distinctly of the story in the bible where Elijah is praying on the mountain until a little cloud rose from the sea.  The cloud turned into a massive storm which tumultuously ended a drought on the land.  Hallelujah, get your high-waters on! 

She can walk you through the wasteland with style.

Next day we made it to Super 8 in Sparks, NV.  Here I am cooking dinner at the bathroom sink, ravenously checking email and ever-so-thankful for a sheeted bed.

We serendipitously chose a Super 8 right next to the Alamo Casino, resplendent with Texas flags.  Ah, the Lone Star.

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