Saturday, July 7, 2012

Phase 1 complete

The first leg of our journey is complete.

The most astonishing experience so far has been the realization that our kids are awesome travelers.  Seriously.  We have had three full days in the car and three days mountain camping and they have been champs in every regard.  Who knew?!

Perhaps kids are a lot more adaptable than I suppose.  I assumed being away from "home" and the comforts of our everyday environment would destabilize them.  I had prepped myself for constant meltdown and tantrums and bad attitudes.  But maybe those expectations were just the fears of a rookie traveler-mom.  Maybe family togetherness constitutes more of the "home" experience than I thought.

Now, I do have to point out that we have not had any car troubles, reservation screw-ups, sickness, (major) injuries and only one car puke.  And for all that I have to thank God.  Truly.  He has been protecting us from a lot of common vacation upsets and covering us in peaceful journey goodness.  So that, combined with the kids new-found traveling aptitude has me blown away and hungry for more!!

Here are some from the car and our campsite "home"

Packed in like sardines

Like I said, only minor injuries so far.

The Tent Master

The burn ban in Colorado caused several intense marshmallow-roasting laments


Michael's noise reduction strategy